What is Man?
Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion?Job 38:31 If we are inclined to boast of our abilities, the grandeur of nature will quickly ... Read more.
The Love of a Husband
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church.Ephesians 5:25 What a golden example Christ gives to His disciples! Few masters could venture to say, “i... Read more.
The Divine Method of Love
As the father has loved me, so have I loved you.John 15:9 As the Father loves the Son, in the same manner Jesus loves His people. What is that divine method? He... Read more.
Keep Me Back from Sin
Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins.Psalm 19:13 Such was the prayer of the “man after God’s own heart.” Did holy David need to pray lik... Read more.
Be On Your Guard
I will guard my ways.Psalm 39:1 Fellow-pilgrim, do not say in your heart, “I will go here and there, and I will not sin,” for you are never so out of danger... Read more.
Only Return
So he put out his hand and took her and brought her into the ark with him.Genesis 8:9 Tired out by her wanderings, the dove finally returns to the ark as her on... Read more.
Sought Out
You shall be called Sought Out.Isaiah 62:12 The surpassing grace of God is seen very clearly in that we were not only sought, but sought out. Men seek for a thi... Read more.
Abide in Me
John 15:4 Communion with Christ is a certain cure for every ill. Whether it be the woodworm of sadness or the smothering impact of earthly treasure, close fello... Read more.
Abide upon the Rock of Ages
It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.Psalm 118:8 No doubt the reader has been tempted to rely upon the things that are seen instead of r... Read more.
Is Your Heart Haughty?
Before destruction a man’s heart is haughty.Proverbs 18:12 It is an old and common saying that “coming events cast their shadows before them.” The wise ma... Read more.