February 24 Morning Devotional

“I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.” Ezekiel 34:26 Here is sovereign mercy–“I will give them the shower in its season.” Is it not sovereign, divine mercy?–for who can say, “I will give them showers,” except God? There is only one voice which can speak…

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February 23 Evening Devotional

“Take up the cross, and follow Me.”  Mark 10:21 You have not the making of your own cross, although unbelief is a master carpenter at cross-making; neither are you permitted to choose your own cross, although self-will would fain be lord and master; but your cross is prepared and appointed for you by divine love,…

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February 23 Morning Devotional

“I will never leave thee.” Hebrews 13:5 No promise is of private interpretation. Whatever God has said to any one saint, He has said to all. When He opens a well for one, it is that all may drink. When He openeth a granary- door to give out food, there may be some one starving…

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February 22 Evening Devotional

“The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power.” Nahum 1:3 Jehovah “is slow to anger.” When mercy cometh into the world she driveth winged steeds; the axles of her chariot-wheels are red hot with speed; but when wrath goeth forth, it toileth on with tardy footsteps, for God taketh no pleasure in the…

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February 22 Morning Devotional

“His bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.”  Genesis 49:24 That strength which God gives to His Josephs is real strength; it is not a boasted valour, a fiction, a thing of which men talk, but which ends in smoke;…

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February 21 Evening Devotional

“Understandest thou what thou readest?”  Acts 8:30 We should be abler teachers of others, and less liable to be carried about by every wind of doctrine, if we sought to have a more intelligent understanding of the Word of God. As the Holy Ghost, the Author of the Scriptures is He who alone can enlighten…

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February 21 Morning Devotional

“He hath said.” Hebrews 13:5 If we can only grasp these words by faith, we have an all-conquering weapon in our hand. What doubt will not be slain by this two-edged sword? What fear is there which shall not fall smitten with a deadly wound before this arrow from the bow of God’s covenant? Will…

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February 20 Evening Devotional

“Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.” Matthew 4:1 A Holy character does not avert temptation–Jesus was tempted. When Satan tempts us, his sparks fall upon tinder; but in Christ’s case, it was like striking sparks on water; yet the enemy continued his evil work….

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February 20 Morning Devotional

“God, that comforteth those that are cast down.” 2 Corinthians 7:6 And who comforteth like Him? Go to some poor, melancholy, distressed child of God; tell him sweet promises, and whisper in his ear choice words of comfort; he is like the deaf adder, he listens not to the voice of the charmer, charm he…

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