All Things Work Together For Good

August 5MORNING And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good. (Romans 8:28) Upon some points a believer is absolutely sure. He knows, for instance, that God sits in the stern-sheets of the vessel when it rocks most. He believes that an invisible hand is always on the world’s tiller,…

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How God Uses Satan

In the previous article, we touched on Satan’s folly in continuing headlong in stubborn, suicidal rebellion against Omnipotence. Like the post-modernist who denies Satan’s existence yet serves him daily, Satan himself continues to serve God’s purpose, even though he doesn’t realise it (in his folly). Satan, being uniformly evil, sincerely means to harm God’s people,…

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Stop Giving Satan Power He Does Not Have

In the previous article, we considered the meaning of Providence, leaning on the historical confessions of faith. Pastor and author John Piper beautifully sums up the historical definitions of Providence by describing Providence as ‘God’s wise and purposeful sovereignty’1. In other words, nothing happens outside of God’s sovereign will – including even calamities and apparent…

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Preserved by Providence

We are all, of course, familiar with the term “Providence”. It is often used as a shorthand for “If God permits”. But what do we mean by these terms? Do we really know? I fear there is much mental haziness and confusion at this point in the Christian landscape. Defining Providence As the 27th article…

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